This is the Monday update. You may submit your own articles / posts by clicking the ‘Submit’ tab on the menu. To comment, click the headline above, and a comment box will appear.Please share this website with your patriot friends and family.
2.) Taiwan’s Pandemic of The Vaccinated: More People Have Died After the Covid Injection Campaign Began
“Worldwide Walkouts will demand a return to freedom and democratic principles. Citizens around the globe are protesting loss of liberty, illegal mandates and tyrannical government overreach.”
7.) Big Pharma Imposed the “Vaccine” and “Digital Certificate”: “Undisclosed Contract” with EU Governments
“And I will not be getting vaccinated because my government tells me too and promises in return to grant me my freedom… Let’s be clear about one thing. No one grants me freedom for I am a free person.” – Christine Anderson, German MP to the EU Parliament MUST WATCH: EU MPs Absolutely Blast Parliament About Vaccine Cover Up Disclosure Contract Between Big Pharma And The EU Commission To Impose Vaccines On Its Citizens Without Them Knowing What’s In The Contract. Some brave members of the EU parliament are finally standing up against the global cabal who controls serially convicted criminal pharmaceutical companies like Pfizer and your government. about 29 min….well worth watching!
This is the weekend update. You may submit your own articles / posts by clicking the ‘Submit’ tab on the menu. To comment, click the headline above, and a comment box will appear.Please share this website with your patriot friends and family.
1.) The new Arkansas legislative district maps have been released (well, sort of). They are without street level detail, but maps nonetheless. You’ll see some significant district changes.
4.) Florida has the lowest Covid-CCP rates in the nation and in Florida, they have done the opposite of California.
(Daily Mail Online)How did Florida end up with one of the best COVID-19 case and death rates in the US?
QUOTE:The declines are despite Governor Ron DeSantis insisting the state would not shut down and refusing to implement mask or vaccine mandates and instead focusing efforts on early treatment
The state is doing just as well as California, despite the West Coast State taking a very strict approach including implementing mask mandates, limiting gatherings and closings bars and indoor dining at restaurants. Experts say Covid waves usually occur in a two-month cycle – with infections rising for two months before declining – and instead of trying to prevent the cycle from occurring, DeSantis just let it ride out.
5.) Fauci was wrong, yet again. More real life data!
QUOTE: ...yet the college football season is well under way and producing “real-world data” to help determine whether it’s finally time to obsess less about virions and more about, say, Big 10 rankings.
“I think it’s really unfortunate,” Dr Fauci has remarked, taking his cue from a CNBC host who noted crowded stadiums and fed him this prompt: “I thought COVID is about to have a feast. What do you think?”
It must be said this novel type of clinical trial isn’t randomized, double-blind and placebo-controlled. It’s not controlled in the least. What it is, though, is huge.
Let’s look at one: Penn State vs Auburn, played in the “Happy Valley” of Pennsylvania which is home to the Nittany Lions. Home fans arrived in uniform with white shirts, white sweaters, white body-paint — a “White Out” across a stadium not exactly built for social distancing (capacity: 106,572). I have nephews — young and trim alums — who must contort themselves while fitting into spaces tighter than the cheap seats on a puddle-jumper airline.
Data? According to the university, seven-day-average infectivity rates among students have fallen consistently from 1 percent on the day of the Auburn game to 0.2 percent currently. Students in quarantine, either because they show COVID symptoms or fall within a contact-tracing chain, have dropped from 34 to 4, this in a home-campus population of 46,000. These trends hold for the entire season to date. (The Auburn game was played on September 18; there have been home games before and since then.)
6.) New CV treatment: Fluvoxamine
“A 10-day course of fluvoxamine costs approximately US$4… compares favorably w/ the treatment effects of more expensive treatments including monoclonal antibodies” Potential mechanisms are anti-inflammatory and antiplatelet action, the researchers added.
7.) Indiana County Declines CDC Grant That Plans Three More Years Of Covid
“How many Americans have already been infected with Covid? That 20 months into the pandemic we don’t have an answer to this most basic question is astonishing.”
This is the Friday update. You may submit your own articles / posts by clicking the ‘Submit’ tab on the menu. To comment, click the headline above, and a comment box will appear.Please share this website with your patriot friends and family.
1.) CDC Advisory Committee Quietly Confirms Moderna Jab Significantly More Dangerous Than Pfizer
2.) Call to Action – CDC on Reasons to reject Pfizer’s EUA application for mRNA shots for children ages 5 to 11; this is a well laid out cut and paste for you to use to weigh in on the shots for kids scam.
Brilliiant presentation of critical points, data — 2 min. From CDC reports we can expect for every 18 child hospitalizations prevented, at least 43 will end up in the hospital for all causes following v. You Will Never Hear This On Your Six O’Clock News…PhD Weighs In During FDA’s Public Comment…’Your Approval Today… Means Mandates Tomorrow’. In the name of millions of parents around the world, I implore you: HOLD THE LINE!
5.) New Lawsuit: Biden Task Force Schemes to Deny Religious Exemptions, Falsifies Medical Records
This is the Thursday update. You may submit your own articles / posts by clicking the ‘Submit’ tab on the menu. To comment, click the headline above, and a comment box will appear.Please share this website with your patriot friends and family.
1.) Tucker Carlson Rips the ‘Peak Lunacy’ of FDA Advisory Panel Recommending Covid Vaccines for Young Children
2.) Eight Wise Doctors and Hopeful Common Sense on Covid
Here we have a discussion panel with familiar, trusted figures like Pierre Kory, Robert Malone, Richard Urso, Ryan Cole, Brian Tyson, Mark McDonald, etc. Summary provided, 45 minute video discussion.
The gene-based ‘vaccines,’ narrowly focusing just on the spike protein, are causing variants, as well as damage to recipients. It is the spike protein that causes the damage in those sick with the ‘virus’. Choosing the spike protein molecule for the vaccine was a flat-out error.
The nature of ‘Covid’ is not a pulmonary problem per se, but an inflammatory and thrombotic problem, repeatedby the action of the vaccine. (As some other doctors have astutely observed, they get us going in with ‘Covid’, which turned out to be ‘mild’, and if that fails, they surely get more of us with the ‘vaccine’.) Urso says that people who die of Covid do so because of inflammation / thrombosis, not the ‘virus’. These two features were already separately treatable.
The vaccine has caused more damage in 8 months than any other medical product left on the market for a comparable amount of time.
The vaccinated are getting sick.
Early treatment works, period.
The shocking, new finding for us concerns new-born babies:
Children born after January 1, 2020 show an IQ drop of 20 points because of social deprivation; their brains haven’t developed
Shocking recordings of Mayo Clinic-Scottsdale and Banner Health System hospital executives have been released by an attorney on the Legal Advisory Council of Truth for Health Foundation, an Arizona public charity. Executives were discussing coordinated efforts to restrict fluids and nutrition for hospitalized COVID patients and to suppress all visitations for COVID patients.
The COVID protocol that hospital physicians must follow, in lockstep across the U.S., appears to be the implementation of the 2009-2010 “Complete Lives System” developed by Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel for rationing medical care for people older than 50.
WORLDWIDE WALKOUT NOV. 3: Now is the time to join CHD for ‘Worldwide Walkout!’ on Nov. 3 to demand a return to freedom and democratic principles. People around the globe are protesting the loss of liberty, illegal mandates and tyrannical government overreach. #BeADefender of truth, freedom and children’s health.
This is the Wednesday update. You may submit your own articles / posts by clicking the ‘Submit’ tab on the menu. To comment, click the headline above, and a comment box will appear.Please share this website with your patriot friends and family.
6.) Child deaths are 52% higher than the 5-year-average since they were offered the Covid-19 vaccine, after previously being 14% down according to ONS data
This is the Monday update. You may submit your own articles / posts by clicking the ‘Submit’ tab on the menu. To comment, click the headline above, and a comment box will appear.Please share this website with your patriot friends and family.
1.) Arizona AG Seeks Temporary Restraining Order to Stop Biden’s ‘Unconstitutional’ COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates
“Because it’s just over the horizon of what we can imagine from our vantage point, National Divorce isn’t at all an immediate action plan–or, at least, I don’t see it as such. Rather, it is a rhetorical strategy to prepare the ground for crucial discussions about what comes next in America, as the country grows even more divided, bitter, and angry. More than anything else, it is a reminder for Red America to think about economic and cultural autonomy for itself, and what it would take to get there. Autonomy for Red America is of crucial importance, regardless of the status of political or real separation. It is the ability for Americans to be self-sufficient from the financial, educational and cultural institutions that are hostile to its beliefs and way of life, and make reconciliation increasingly impossible.” Red American Cities, Gentrification and the Future: This is a conversation based on “The National Divorce” article linked below: More media exposure, discussions, video clips, Oct 2021: National Divorce is Expensive, But It’s Worth Every Penny: it Autonomy for Red America, Part 1: Autonomy for Red America, Part 2:
3.) Whitewash: Are US Government Health institutions engaged in a massive gain-of-function coverup?
7.) Irrefutable evidence of murder by Matt Hancock and others:
8 minute video clip. Obviously what was perpetrated in care homes and hospitals in Spring 2020 UK set the stage for the government’s justification of lockdowns and restrictions in the name of public health. And now they’ve started with the children just a few weeks ago…sudden deaths in 12 and under occurring. One family has charged the school and the vaccinator with murder. The court accepted the case, so it will be heard. The media in the UK are silent on the mounting evidence of murder against many government, public health, hospital and care home officials.
8.) Two tiered society already in effect in Lithuania
Today, this is Lithuania — a 2-tier society based on vaccination status. One group has access to all, the unvaccinated are, in effect, completely banished from society. This isn’t in the news, that I’ve seen. Quietly, smaller countries in the EU will go with this authoritarian, discriminatory “Covid Pass”. Once this barbaric practice gets a toe-hold, it will spread quickly and widely. Please read the description of what life is like for these Lithuanians who have chosen not to be vaccinated. Then pay attention closely…if this system is put in place in the US, either a small bit @ a time or full bore, it will be virtually impossible to change course. NY and CA have implemented passes to some degree already. I find it appalling that citizens are cheering this on, thinking only, in a misguided fashion, that this is about public health, their ’safety.’ It is not. It never has been about public health. How ignorant and short-sighted can people be?
This is the weekend update. You may submit your own articles / posts by clicking the ‘Submit’ tab on the menu. To comment, click the headline above, and a comment box will appear.Please share this website with your patriot friends and family.
1.) Protesters Stage Walkouts Across California In Defiance Of School Vaccine Mandates
On Monday, faculty and students at schools across the state of California staged walkouts in defiance of vaccine and testing requirements set to take effect this week. “We’re fighting for the freedom to make the medical choices that are best for our children. We are fully prepared to pull our kids from public school and hire our own teaching staff if that’s what it takes. We do not co-parent with the government,” Tess Van Dusen, an event organizer, reportedly said, according to ABC10 in Sacramento.
Outside of a high school in Van Nuys that is part of the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD), demonstrators held signs as they marched that reportedly read: “My Body, My Choice,” “Our kids are not lab rats,” and “Stop the mandate LAUSD.”
2.) NIH Contradicts Fauci, Admits Funding Gain-of-Function Research at Wuhan Lab
Molecular biologist Richard H. Ebright on Wednesday posted a letter from the National Institute of Health (NIH) showing that an NIH grant did fund gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, contrary to what Dr. Anthony Fauci had testified to the Senate.
Fauci testified to Senators at a hearing in May that the NIH “has not ever and does not now fund gain-of-function research in the Wuhan Institute of Virology.”
However, the NIH’s October 20 letter to House Oversight Committee Ranking Member James Comer (R-KY) showed that the NIH grant, which was awarded to EcoHealth Alliance and then sub-awarded to the Wuhan lab, funded a research project during 2018 and 2019 that tested “if spike proteins from naturally occurring bat coronaviruses circulating in China were capable of binding to the human ACE2 receptor in a mouse model.”
4.) Moderna was on the verge of collapse before CV:
Before COVID-19, Moderna was in danger of hemorrhaging investors, as major, persistent issues w its mRNA delivery system threatened its entire pipeline. Part 1 of this new 2-part series looks at just how desperate + close to collapse Moderna was pre-COVID.
This follow-up chart is the most updated and comprehensive library list of 81 of the highest-quality, complete, most robust scientific studies and evidence reports/position statements on natural immunity as compared to the COVID-19 vaccine-induced immunity and allow you to draw your own conclusion (as of 10/15). Individuals whose livelihoods and liberties are being deprecated and deleted need access to the scientific literature as it pertains to this virus. They should send a link to this page far and wide. The scientists have not been silent; they just haven’t received the public attention they deserve.
7.) Arkansas’ SAFE Act Goes to Trial July 25, 2022
This is the Friday update. You may submit your own articles / posts by clicking the ‘Submit’ tab on the menu. To comment, click the headline above, and a comment box will appear.Please share this website with your patriot friends and family.
1.) Biden Forced Americans Into A Game Of Chicken. They’re Not Flinching
5.) Unvaccinated Navy SEALs reportedly harassed over mandate
According to First Liberty general counsel, this is an ideological purge – the Dept of Defense has to date not honored a single religious exemption. Counsel says this is insane.
6.) Teacher thinks parents who attend school board meetings are terrorists: