On behalf of the tens of thousands of Reopen Arkansas members and supporters across the state who are your constituents and voters, we write to urge you to:
- NO FORCE MASKING KIDS! (or others) – STOP AMENDMENT(S) to Act 1002, aka: Mask Ban.
- VETO ANY “EMERGENCY DECLARATION” by the Governor (“Delta” is not an “Emergency” – it’s no more dangerous than other, prior strains – see below)
- BAN MANDATED COVID19 VACCINATION AS CONDITION OF EMPLOYMENT by ANY entity, public or private. There is no reasonable rationale to adopt mandated Covid19 vaccinations, and numerous reasons to safeguard freedom of medical choice when it comes to CV19 vaccinations. (see below)*
MASKS: Masks don’t work to reduce spread of viruses – this should be apparent to the blind by now, but if not apparent, there are over a dozen peer reviewed studies, and literally nations full of empirical evidence showing they don’t work.* Masking children, who remain at low (statistically ZERO) risk of serious harm from Covid19 (in spite of what the fear-mongering CDC, ADH, other 3 letter groups, and the “press” would have you believe), is simply a fear-mongering, fool’s errand furthering tyranny and control – not safety. School Boards aren’t and shouldn’t be mask police – the decision to wear or not wear a mask should be made at the best “local level” – parents and their students.
EMERGENCY: Returning to the previous and never-ending “Emergency” state is simply more political tyranny supporting a Socialist-Marxist agenda. The largest worldwide study from Israel on the Delta variant has shown Delta to be LESS dangerous and deadly than prior strains. The fear-mongering press (and ADH – who are still using 42 cycle PCR tests driving increased “case” numbers again – even CDC has recalled and admitted are useless) and an emerging Socialist- Marxist federal government are again using the fear-doom-gloom ploy to support further tyranny and distract from the more serious threats facing our nation (out of control spending and debt, collapsing immigration policy, rampant inflation, collapsing economy). Don’t allow the leftist National Governor’s Association chair – Asa – to use Arkansas as a socialist national tool to further the left’s goals, and use the “Emergency” to mandate vaccinations, mask school children, and otherwise impose more tyranny.
MANDATED VAX: Don’t be fooled – this is the endgame and masks and “emergencies” are the tools. Our Nation and State are under imminent threat of GOVERNMENT MANDATED COVID19 VACCINATIONS for what is emerging to be THE MOST DEADLY AND HARMFUL (Severe Adverse reactions) “vaccination” (it’s not a vaccination – it doesn’t confer immunity – it’s a “therapeutic”) in this nation’s history. Conservative estimates say over 10,000 Americans have died following the “safe and effective” Covid19 shot. Never in US history has a new vaccination so dangerous been allowed to continue trials or remain on the market. Initial studies have indicated the vaccination presents MORE risk to youth than the disease itself, yet the federal government and its co-opted agents in the private sector – big corporations – are vigorously pushing mandatory vaccination for all, youth included. In a short labor market, and amidst record inflation and economic downturn, Arkansans are already being fired for refusal to submit to private sector – corporate – mandates. LEGISLATORS: ARE YOU READY TO FACE THE FORCED POINTY END OF A TRIAL NEEDLE NO MATTER YOUR HEALTH CONDITIONS OR CHOICE? Stop this dangerous tyranny – ADOPT LEGISLATION BANNING MANDATED COVID19 VACCINATIONS BY GOVERNMENT AND THE PRIVATE SECTOR AS A CONDITION OF EMPLOYMENT.
* For national and worldwide peer reviewed medical studies, journal articles, and other additional information regarding actual CV19 and CV19 vax risks, rates, and data – go to: https://reopenarkansas.org. Specific references pertinent to this letter available to legislators upon request.
Respectfully submitted,
Reopen Arkansas